Friday, 4 October 2013


Under Development and contribution of Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi 
Islam Hadhari
Islam Hadhari (Arabic: الإسلام الحضاري) or "Islamic barbarians" was the government's theory of Malaysia Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's leadership of the Islamic Quran. It is not a new religion, not a new school and a new non-denominational. It is an effort to bring the Ummah back to the fundamentals, as prescribed in the Quran and Hadith that form the foundation of civilization Islam. it has 10 principles of Islam Hadhari, namely: -
1. Faith and piety to God s.w.t.
2. Just and trustworthy government.
3. Soulless People independence.
4. Mastery of knowledge.
5. Balanced and Comprehensive Economic Development.
6. Quality of life.
7. Protection of the Rights of Minority Groups and Women.
8. Cultural and moral integrity.
9. Nature Conservancy.
10. Defense strength.

The Malaysia Space Center 

Malaysia Space Center
The center was founded by model Kennady Space Center United States and operates the River lang, Banting, Selangor. The center developed worth Rs 100 million on a sprawling 161.8 acres owned by the federal government. There are 3 major roles: -
• Monitor and operate satellite RazakSAT
• Station received information relating to the first astronaut Country
• Implement joint venture to develop Global Positioning System (GPS) with the European Union (EU)

Human Capital Policy
The planned development of human capital in the Ninth Malaysia Plan (9MP) will be holistic. These plans include the acquisition of knowledge or intellectual capital, including increased capacity for entrepreneurship, science and technology, fostering values, attitudes, and positive and progressive ethics through education, training, and lifelong learning. Capacity building will be strengthened to develop the human capital of knowledge, skills and innovation to drive the knowledge-based economy. Emphasis on the development of human capital that is progressive and has a universal ethical values ​​will be strengthened in line with what is outlined in Islam Hadhari

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